1:1 Coaching Sessions
Maintain the momentum after your group or team coaching program,
undertaken over a 6-9 month time period.
With a new-found understanding of your talents, meet regularly with your coach to stay on track.
Check in on your goals, plans and actions in each coaching session, and address anything holding you back, perceived blockers or interference.
Stay focussed on who you are, and where you want to be - so you can thrive.
The benefits of Momentum Sessions:
Accountability + Progress
Someone to keep you on track at regular touch-points, knows the essence of the goals you are working towards, and how important they are to you. That person in your corner who wants to see you succeed and flourish.
Honest Feedback
A coach is able to provide honest feedback, without the added complication of being workmates, friends or significant others. Our soul intention is to help you grow and prosper. If giving you honest feedback is required to help you, then that's what you will receive.
Grow your Confidence
It can be easy to get caught up in our heads, start negative self-talk, compare ourselves to others, and commence a downward spiral - a complete confidence killer. Coaching sessions will challenge any thinking or behaviour that shows signs of killing your confidence. And identify any beliefs that might be supporting these negative thought patterns. There's no room for all that when you're busy pursing brilliance!
Greater Self Awareness & Reflection
With your new understanding and ownership of your talents, we will observe your behaviour and responses to situations - identifying which talent(s) might be in the drivers seat. Your coach will also be able to spot certain talents at play, and bring that to your attention (which could be mature or immature talent behaviour).
A different Perspective
Let's face it, sometimes we need someone to tell it like it is. We can get caught up in our view of the world, and need to hear someone else's perspective on a situation to break that cycle. Our talents influence how we see the world, and viewing a situation from someone else's perspective (and their talents) can be quite eye opening.
Improved Work/life Balance
Having a frank discussion about priorities and what's most important to you can help to create new habits around work, family, health, career etc. Goals can be created around this area to keep you accountable over time, giving you the ability to make lasting change to maintain these habits for life.
Improved Relationships + Communication
Sometime when you're so deep 'in it' you can't 'see the wood for the trees'. Often there are small considerations or changes that could be made to your communication approach that could solve many challenges experienced. Too frequently, poor communication is the root cause of misunderstandings, frustration, conflict or mistakes being made - all of which can impact relationships over time.
Increased Leadership + Management Skills
Your coaching is your space to be vulnerable, admit you've hit a wall, or haven't found an answer yet - with no judgement. As a leader you'll be empowered with new strategies and techniques for dealing with challenges. Giving yourself the time and space to discuss challenges, dissect them, and devise your own strategies to tackle them. Sometimes all it takes is to be fully present, and have someone ask you the right questions.
Team Cohesiveness + Harmony
Connect better with your team (as a Manager, leader or teammate). In your coaching sessions you will be encouraged to tap in to your knowledge of strengths to tease apart what's really going on behind the team dynamics. Together you'll discuss team or individual behaviours, and analyse them from a strengths perspective - what strengths might be at play behind the conflict, disengagement, rebellion? See others in a way you have never been able to before.